ECE Training

Early Childhood Education Professional Training: Onsite or Online

At Tinker Wonder Play, we believe that every child is a natural explorer. Each Training is designed to nurture their innate curiosity and help them build essential skills through play. From problem-solving and creativity to collaboration and emotional intelligence, our invitations lay the foundation for lifelong learning. We’re committed to providing resources, programs, and support for parents, educators, and children alike. Together, we can create a world where every child has the opportunity to thrive.

Customized ECE training to help educate & prepare your team through online or onsite in-person workshops with a certificate for professional growth development hours.

Key Focus Areas of Trainings:

Creativity & Imagination:

  • Encouraging children to think outside the box.

Cognitive Development:

  • Enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Social-Emotional Growth:

  • Building a foundation of social emotional skills for young children.


  • Creating spaces where every child feels valued and included.

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Examples of Training Topics

  • Play Based Learning

  • Process Art

  • Loose Parts Play

  • Light Play

  • Sensory Play

  • Open-Ended Invitations

  • Inclusive Curriculum

  • Social Emotional Learning